#firesafetest #API607 #API6FA #API6FD #ISO14316 #ISO10423 #ISO10497
What is the difference between API 607 and API 6FA?
API 607 and API 6FA are both the standard of fire safe test. People usually mention them together in valve specifications. But they are not same or equal standard, They have significant differences.
API 607: only for API 6D valves which have quarter-turn operation and equipped with non-metallic seats, eg. ball valves, butterfly valves, plug valves etc.
API 6FA: for both API 6D and API 6A valves, but excluding check valves and valves upper than 5" and valves in class 800.
Furthermore, for check valve fire safe test, the standard is API 6FD.
Some standard correspondence:
API 6D corresponding to ISO14316;
API 6A corresponding to ISO10423;
API 607 corresponding to ISO10497.